About Us


STARS helps students with autism successfully complete college and develop the necessary tools to thrive in life and career.


STARS accomplishes this mission by providing:

  • A safe, supportive space in an inclusive environment.
  • Targeted programs to build social, academic, career, physical, and mindfulness skills.
  • Leadership opportunities where the voices of students are heard and valued.
  • Awareness and education about autism on campus and in the larger community.
  • A holistic approach to serving students for their overall health and well-being.

STARS Birthday
students with autism


STARS is guided by its belief in:

Students and Their Strengths

We believe in the ability of students with autism to succeed in college and are convinced that each student has unique gifts and talents that can benefit their families, employers and communities.

Best Practices

We strive for excellence in all we do by employing evidenced-based and recognized best practices.


We embrace diversity of students and partnerships and promote an inclusive community where students are encouraged to step out of their comfort zone and participate in STARS programs and campus events.


We aim for positive outcomes and measurable results for those we serve.


We understand the ability of our students to become their own advocates is essential to their success.

Autism Awareness

We recognize that understanding autism is the key to eliminating stigmas and creating an environment where all can thrive.

Capacity Building

We acknowledge that sharing accurate information, expertise and best practices with other institutions is the best way to ensure all college students with autism will have the support they need to succeed.


STARS will be nationally recognized as an exemplar organization serving college students with autism and their peers.

  • Its flagship program on the Christian Brothers University campus will grow and its participants will successfully complete college and enter meaningful employment.
  • It will be financially sustainable, drawing on a variety of funding sources.
  • It will be involved in research and best practices for serving people with autism; and
  • It will become a program model, expanding its reach by assisting other colleges and universities across the country in establishing STARS chapters on their campuses.
students with autism

STARS: Partnerships & Collaborations

The UTHSC Center on Developmental Disabilities is one of 67 University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) across the United States. The federal government established these programs to develop and implement interdisciplinary training, continuing education, clinical and community services, and research in developmental disabilities. The center is comprised of faculty and staff from ten disciplines, including speech and language pathology, social work, psychology, nursing, physical therapy, audiology, special education, occupational therapy, developmental pediatrics, and dietetics. A Community Advisory Council, comprised of people with disabilities, family members, and other community stakeholders, helps shape and evaluate the program’s goals, activities, and impact. The UCEDD is pleased to support the work of STARS, Inc. over the next five years as a model program that supports degree-seeking college students with autism from enrollment to graduation to integrated and sustained employment.

Please click here to read more on this exciting partnership with University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC); Center on Developmental Disabilities. 

How We Got Started

Read about how we got started in this article on the TennesseeWorks website.

STARS’ ultimate goal is to serve as a program model to other colleges and universities. 

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